Thursday 1 August 2013

Latest Blog Posts (to July 2013)

Latest Blog Posts
"Better a bad day outdoors than a good day indoors"... Posted: 28/07/2013
Some familiar friendly faces, both adults and children :-).  Competitively charged including Man Hunt, Capture the Flag, De... Posted: 22/07/2013
Such fun to see 29 children running and playing at Woodland Adventurers.  Familiar faces from our Forest School sessions wi... Posted: 21/07/2013
Having fun today in the sunshine trying to make a long bow from reclaimed materials.  It is still work in progress so not s... Posted: 14/07/2013
Back to our outdoor fun for parents and their toddlers.  Petting and feeding farm animals, parachute fun, "real" bear hunt,... Posted: 12/07/2013
A happy, friendly and inclusive bunch of girls from Heywood Preparatory School, Corsham, Wiltshire.  It is fabulous to see ... Posted: 12/07/2013
No nerf battles this morning.  We played hide and seek tag, we fed the farm animals, we played bulldog, we built dens, we h... Posted: 11/07/2013
Nerf battles, water fights, den building, capture the flag, man hunt and toasting marshmallows on the camp fire.  Heaven!... Posted: 11/07/2013
An absolutely wonderful group of pre-school children from Broughton Gifford (a village between Bath and Melksham) visited Woodla... Posted: 10/07/2013

Posted @ 22:01:18 on 28 July 2013  back to top
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Some familiar friendly faces, both adults and children :-).  Competitively charged including Man Hunt, Capture the Flag, Den Building, Nerf and Water Fight.  Now more holiday club bookings coming in.
Posted @ 21:34:41 on 22 July 2013  back to top
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Such fun to see 29 children running and playing at Woodland Adventurers.  Familiar faces from our Forest School sessions with Corsham Primary School from a year ago as well as the many birthday parties in between.  Boys and girls having fun building dens, feeding the farm animals, running, chasing and experiencing the camp fire.  A wonderful birthday cake from a highly skilled amateur who should turn professional!  Always great to see the parents actively joining in as the children love it!
Posted @ 16:59:51 on 21 July 2013  back to top
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Having fun today in the sunshine trying to make a long bow from reclaimed materials.  It is still work in progress so not sure of the results and performance yet, but great fun. 

Also, some basket weaving using natural and man made materials which is very relaxing.
Posted @ 22:17:01 on 14 July 2013  back to top
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A happy, friendly and inclusive bunch of girls from Heywood Preparatory School, Corsham, Wiltshire.  It is fabulous to see children playing games with their own style and cultural angle.  Capture the flag is one of our most competitive games that can bring out all the personalities.  A pleasure to have such a lovely group who played competitively, strategically, tactically and fairly.  Well that was until we got to the water fight where everyone was against everyone!!
Posted @ 10:00:15 on 12 July 2013  back to top
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Back to our outdoor fun for parents and their toddlers.  Petting and feeding farm animals, parachute fun, "real" bear hunt, camp fire, toasted tea cakes, biscuits, squash, tea and coffee...all for only £5 per family.  Check out our website for details  Advance booking is becoming more and more important as our numbers are growing fast!
Posted @ 09:54:00 on 12 July 2013  back to top
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Nerf battles, water fights, den building, capture the flag, man hunt and toasting marshmallows on the camp fire.  Heaven!
Posted @ 09:51:27 on 11 July 2013  back to top
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No nerf battles this morning.  We played hide and seek tag, we fed the farm animals, we played bulldog, we built dens, we had a water fight and we toasted marshmallows.  It is always fabulous to see returning groups of families and children.
Posted @ 09:46:34 on 11 July 2013  back to top
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An absolutely wonderful group of pre-school children from Broughton Gifford (a village between Bath and Melksham) visited Woodland Adventurers for fun in the woods and feeding the farm animals - pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, guinea fowl, rabbits.  Our outdoor education was packed full of physical activities and freedom which was fueled with overwhelming excitement from the children, staff and parents. 
Posted @ 09:20:28 on 10 July 2013  back to top
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Fun hiking.  We explored woodlands and the countryside.  We found rivers and streams.  We used nets to fish for water folk!  One of us caught a mini fish...and of course we returned it safe and sound back to where it came from!  We played in a park on the swings and slides.  We also saw the local school come out to play in the sunshine too.  Sadly they only had 30 happy minutes to run and play before they went back into their steamy classrooms.  We had 6 hours to run and play, learning and discovering new things on the way.  A happy day.
Posted @ 09:15:12 on 09 July 2013  back to top
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Lots and lots of preschool groups coming up to Woodland Adventurers for Forest School sessions and one off adventures. 

We have been having so much fun, running, playing and exploring the woodland and countryside.  We have fed farm animals.  We have cooked on the camp fire.  We have done so many fun activities.

Learning through fabulous fun outdoor activities.  Learning is exciting and it should never be a chore - learning is an exciting adventure. 

At Woodland Adventurers the word "learning" has the same meaning as the word "fun". 

Come and play in the woods learning about nature, learning about animals, build social skills, build confidence and build self esteem / self belief.  Learn about science.  Learn about cooking.  Learn how to manage hazards and risks.  It goes on and on - there is so much to learn through exciting fun experiences in the outdoors. 

When you and your child are having fun the time will go fast and you and your child will learn more than you realise.

Do check out our website and do contact us to find out more information about how to get involved.
Posted @ 14:37:43 on 01 July 2013  back to top
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With two new children coming to our Forest School PLUS Home Ed group today, the fun started with a blast.  Home Ed / Home Education / Home School children mixing, socialising and making new friends.
  • Free play, running and exploring the woods. 
  • Feeding the farm animals (pigs, sheep, rabbits, chickens and ducks)
  • Playing bulldog
  • Picnic lunch outdoors
  • Playing rounders
  • Den building
  • Toasting marshmallows on the camp fire
  • Lots of playing, laughing and socialising
Posted @ 22:33:13 on 11 June 2013  back to top
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Forest School PLUS for Corsham Primary School, Broadwood - Reception class.

Fifteen fantastic, happy school children exploring and having fun in the woods at Woodland Adventurers.  We started with a game of family tag through the woodland.  All the children were running fast - up and down the slopes, in and out of the trees!  A joy to watch and to join in as all adults had to run fast to keep up with them.

We lit a camp fire and talked about the good aspects and not so good aspects of fire.  Fire can keep you warm, fire can be used for cooking (including marshmallows - I think they've guessed what's coming later!), fire can even be used for sending smoke signals - but probably not so frequently these days!  Fire is also hot and it must be respected.  Smoke smells good in small doses around a camp fire, but lots of smoke is dangerous.  Learning through real life experiences.

We sat and whittled magic wands!  Some were Harry Potter wands for wizards and witches.  Some were fairy wands. 

We sat safely away from others.  A good posture and a safe action with the tool were very important. 

Spells were made.  People turned into frogs, dragons, princesses, polar bears and snow monsters - and luckily they were all turned back to themselves again!

Toasting marshmallows was gooey, yummy and fun!

Then we did lots of den building with sticks and wood, we played on the swings and we chased each other playing tag and performing more magical spells.  Lots of free play and free spirits!
Posted @ 17:30:08 on 11 June 2013  back to top
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This morning's fun included:
  • Feeding, petting pigs and smelling their house / sty!
  • Feeding sheep (that look like goats!) and smelling their house!
  • Feeding chickens and smelling the hen house / chicken coup!
  • Feeding ducks and smelling the duck house!
  • A game of tag, through the woodland
  • We're going on a bear hunt in the forest looking for 'real' bears!
  • Toasting hot cross buns on the open camp fire
  • Toasting marshmallows on the camp fire
Posted @ 08:14:24 on 10 June 2013  back to top
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Twenty five 10 year old boys and girls from Bath, Somerset - running and playing in the great outdoors at Woodland Adventurers today.  A highly competitive bunch - friendly, sociable and inclusive.  Our day's activities included:
  • Man hunt - some fast runners!
  • Den building - trip wires and barricades galore!
  • Capture the flag - highly competitive
  • Nerf battle - lots of fun
  • Water fight - pretty wet really!
  • Camp fire food
Posted @ 14:08:48 on 09 June 2013  back to top
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A fun and excited group of children playing in the woods at Woodland Adventurers in Box, Corsham, Wiltshire (between Bath and Chippenham).  Many of the boys had visited us before.  On this occasion we visited the pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks.  Some running games.  Lots of fantastic den building.  Camp fire food and toasting marshmallows around the camp fire was lots of fun.
Posted @ 13:55:00 on 08 June 2013  back to top
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Sunshine through the trees and a great group of lads this morning from Chippenham, Wiltshire that got right into manhunt, den building, capture the flag, nerf battle, water fight and toasting marshmallows in the forest / woodland!
Posted @ 12:56:41 on 08 June 2013  back to top
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Water fight, nerf battle, capture the flag, man hunt, den building, camp fire, camp fire food, toasting marshmallows...phew!  Lots to fit into the party!  Lots of fun!  Burning lots of energy running and playing.  An excitable and friendly group of competitive boys from Bath this afternoon.
Posted @ 13:19:23 on 07 June 2013  back to top
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A much quieter session in the woods this morning.  Where was everyone?  Were they hiding in the woods?  Were they keeping out of the cold?  Were they scared of the Gruffalo?  Yes...this time we went on a Gruffalo hunt in the wood, plus some other games, a camp fire, toasted tea cakes on the fire, tea & coffee for the adults, pigs, rabbits, sheep, chickens and ducks.  For more details visit Parent & Toddlers.
Posted @ 13:02:20 on 07 June 2013  back to top
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Fabulous fun-loving and caring children from Heywood Preparatory School running and having fun at Woodland Adventurers.  A birthday party for two 11 year old boys.  A mix of boys and girls.  Activities included:
  • Den building
  • Tug of war
  • Camp fire
  • Toasting marshmallows
  • Bulldog
  • Man hunt
  • Feeding pigs
  • Feeding rabbits
  • Feeding sheep
  • Feeding chickens
  • Feeding ducks
  • Lots of free play in the woodland
  • Camp fire food
A truly fabulous and inclusive group of boys and girls who simply want to have fun!  Happy go lucky!
Posted @ 23:27:33 on 06 June 2013  back to top
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A little chilly start to the day and a wonderful morning in the woods (deep dark forest!) at Woodland Adventurers with lots of preschool children. 
  • Exploring
  • Playing
  • Building dens
  • Collecting sticks for the camp fire
  • Camp fire
  • Popcorn on the camp fire
  • Team games
  • Feeding pigs
  • Feeding sheep
  • Saying a big hello to the bunny rabbits
  • Feeding chickens
  • Feeding ducks
Posted @ 23:15:39 on 06 June 2013  back to top
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A fun birthday party today for 18 teenagers from Sheldon School in Chippenham, Wiltshire. 

Really fab seeing teenagers having real fun in the outdoors.  They were away from their computer games and they were laughing, running, chasing and of course demonstrating their speed and competitiveness. 

A quote:  "this is great fun I feel like I am 7 years old again!"

Boys verses girls! 

9 players on each side. 

"Capture the flag" was a blast.  Boys were strong but girls were getting very competitive towards the end!

The boys were very experienced when battling the Nerf war.  But the water fight brought the girls back to a level playing field, and did they win...difficult to tell!  Everyone was soaked!

War paint everywhere.  Unusual colours though!  Birthday girl teenager plastered in paint.  Birthday boy teenager somehow avoided it - smart move!

Toasting marshmallows on the camp fire, hot dogs "wolfed" down in a flash.

Brilliant fun!  Great seeing teenagers away from computer games and have natural team game fun in the outdoors! 

An awesome group and inspiring!

Posted @ 14:37:47 on 05 June 2013  back to top
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Imagine dappled sunshine glimmering through our beech trees.  Plenty of space for children to run and play - feeling a sense of freedom...
  • Nerf battles
  • Water fights
  • Capture the flag
  • Man hunt
  • Den building
  • Toasting marshmallows
  • Camp fire hot dogs
Plus tea and coffee for the adults!
We can achieve a lot of fun at Woodland Adventurers outdoor woodland birthday parties.

Posted @ 22:30:46 on 04 June 2013  back to top
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Super sunshine weather!  What a wonderful day!

Our home ed / home education / home school Forest School PLUS group had heaps of fun playing and learning in the outdoors.  Lots of socialising, making friends, building on existing friendships and motivation.  Lots of fun learning through new and fun outdoor experiences.
  • Feeding farm animals (pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks and rabbits)
  • Bulldog team game
  • Rounders team game
  • More team games
  • Making bunting from recycled material
  • Den building
  • Climbing
  • Lots of free play and imagination in the woodland
  • Hiking and exploring
Posted @ 22:06:50 on 04 June 2013  back to top
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At Woodland Adventurers we have had such a fun holiday club last week that we cannot wait until the summer holiday club / day camp

Starting at the end of the summer term in July through all of August until the children go back to school for the autumn term.  For more information visit our website at

We aim to keep our prices highly competitive and to provide the children with the most amazing fun through our outdoor activities.  Please feel free to compare our prices and activities to other local providers as we truly believe that we will offer you the best value for money.

Woodland Adventurers is based in Box, Wiltshire (near Corsham - between Bath, Somerset and Chippenham).
Posted @ 21:22:25 on 03 June 2013  back to top
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Two fabulous outdoor woodland birthday parties today at Woodland Adventurers in Box, Wiltshire (near Bath, Somerset). 

Both birthday parties were for very excited and full of energy 8 year old birthday boys and their friends.  Girls and boys were running and playing. 

Both birthday parties were jam packed with fun to burn off the amazing amount of excitement and energy.  The children all went home having had lots of fun, they were a little wet (from water fights!) and they were hopefully ready to sleep well tonight! 

Our outdoor activities today included:
  • Den building
  • Camp fire
  • Camp fire food
  • Toasting / toasted marshmallows
  • Man hunt
  • Capture the flag
  • Nerf battles
  • Water fight
  • Even some fitness exercises for the teams including press ups and sit ups!
Lots of high energy fun for kids in the outdoors in Box, Wiltshire (near Corsham - between Bath and Chippenham).

Posted @ 18:00:48 on 03 June 2013  back to top
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Are you seeking more exciting birthday party ideas? 
Do you want a hassle free birthday party for your child?
Woodland Adventurers provides low hassle outdoor woodland birthday parties for boys and girls. 
Our parties take place in our beautiful woodland in Box, Wiltshire (between Bath and Chippenham). 
We have exciting fun in the outdoors in nearly all weathers. 
Rain means mud and mud means even more fun!!! 
All you need to think about are who to invite, a cake and party bags! 
We will take care of the rest.

Posted @ 18:50:35 on 01 June 2013  back to top
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Another fabulous holiday club day at Woodland Adventurers.  We played in the woods.  We built dens from natural materials that were so camouflaged that they looked like they had Harry Potter's "invisibility cloak" hiding them.  We fed the farm animals - pigs, sheep, rabbits, chickens and ducks.  We cooked on the camp fire - toasted tea cakes - yum yum!  We went on a "real" bear hunt in the woods.  We played "bulldog".  We had a picnic and the sheep tried to steal our food.  We played with a football. 

This time we also went on a Quest.  We entered a story which included a magical world.  There were dinosaurs, monsters, spirits and red indians.  We tracked some red indians to the "Valley of the Snakes".  Magical powers changed some of the children into red indians on the way.  This helped us towards our destiny.  We did loads of climbing and scrambling up muddy slopes using a rope and all the children were simply amazing at supporting their peers in the rest of the group through the treacherous journey towards the end of the story.  We also took peace offerings to the three Woodland Adventurers gods (dandelion leaves and grass for the Woodland Adventurers rabbits!).

Fabulous fun and fabulous children!
Posted @ 18:36:14 on 31 May 2013  back to top
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We have had such a fun day in the woods during our holiday club day at Woodland Adventurers.  The adventures and activities included a camp fire, team games, visiting the farm animals (pigs, Sheep, rabbits, chickens and ducks), hiking and exploring the "Caves of Doom" and a picnic in the "Valley of the Snakes".  We used a rope to scramble up slopes - pretty cool!  We also had heaps of fun having freedom to run, play and explore loads of open space and woodland.  We also managed to squeeze in a little whittling of hiking sticks around the camp fire.  Fantastic kids (including a "Super Ninja") and just great outdoors fun!
Posted @ 18:13:53 on 30 May 2013  back to top
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We have had some fantastic fun with our Forest School PLUS sessions with Corsham Primary School (Corsham, Wiltshire) this spring and summer.

Children from all the Reception classes from both Corsham Primary School sites (Pound Pill and Broadwood sites) - 90 children - have attended over a number of weeks.

Forest School PLUS activities have included:
  • Farm Animals - we have had fun visiting the farm animals - pigs, sheep, rabbits, chickens and ducks.
  • Climbing - every child learning to climb a farm gate - building confidence and self-esteem.
  • Health and fitness - there has been a lot of running on the Woodland Adventurers' 4 acre site (in Box Wiltshire) playing family tag throughout the woodland.
  • Wood craft - Whittling wands with magic spells.  All 90 children learning how to use tools safely to create their own powerful, magical turn their teacher into a frog!
  • Camp fires - learning the good and not so good aspects of fire.  Reasons why fires are useful, such as for cooking, keeping warm and even for sending smoke signals!  Reasons for fires being dangerous including being hot, the smoke and even discussion about 'bush' fires in other parts of the world.
  • Cooking marshmallows - sweet and yummy fun!
  • Cooking popcorn - always popular and this time cooked on the camp fire rather than at home in the microwave oven!
  • Den building - den building using man-made materials and natural materials - learning about structures and having fun creating a shelter.
We have had such a fun time!
Fabulous news is that many of the parents want their children to come back to visit Woodland Adventurers for exclusive Corsham Primary School days over the summer!

Posted @ 01:18:42 on 29 May 2013  back to top
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Forest School PLUS this week with Corsham Primary School (Broadwood and Pound Pill) visiting Woodland Adventurers included running, whittling, magic wands, magic spells, camp fire, toasting marshmallows and toasting popcorn.  Fabulous groups of children having fun and learning (without even noticing!) in the outdoors.  A joy to spend time with the children, the school staff and the parent helpers.
Posted @ 21:27:27 on 23 May 2013  back to top
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More Forest School PLUS sessions for Corsham Primary School at Woodland Adventurers.

This time we had lots of fun running, playing and visiting the farm animals again.  We visited the pigs and this time we went right in with them and gave them a cuddle as well!  More feeding the sheep, chickens and ducks.  We discussed the differences between hens and cockerels as well as eggs, chicks and ducklings.  We opened a freshly laid duck egg to see whether there was a duckling or egg inside!

We also discussed Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Box Tunnel.  Box Tunnel is positioned directly under the Woodland Adventurers site at Quarry Hill, Box, Wiltshire.  An air shaft was capped over previously and we were able to imagine the void of the shaft that was positioned beneath our feet that would take us to the steam engines of the past.

Another game of bulldog complemented the other tag games such as family tag from earlier in the session - mixing healthy physical exercise with learning through our experiences.

Posted @ 21:06:34 on 09 May 2013  back to top
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Our second Woodland Adventurers Forest School PLUS sessions for the Reception children from Corsham Primary School, Broadwood and Pound Pill sites.

More fabulous fun in the Enchanted Woodland building dens, learning about structures and materials as well as fire.  Of course our session included lots more running and playing with lots of freedom to explore.
Posted @ 20:58:03 on 02 May 2013  back to top
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We had our first Forest School PLUS sessions for this year's Reception classes from Corsham Primary School visiting Woodland Adventurers.

There were 90 excited 4 years olds and 5 year olds visiting Forest School PLUS

Corsham Primary School is fortunate to have access to its own minibus (funded by the Parent Teachers' Association PTA) and the minibus journey is where the adventures started for the children.

To support Corsham Primary School, Chris Harvey from Woodland Adventurers has undertaken a minibus driving test with Wiltshire Council (in 2012) to enable Woodland Adventurers to drive the minibus where teachers and other teaching / school staff are unable to do so.

Meeting the children for the first time was fabulous.  Our first week's adventure went as follows:
  • All aboard the minibus
  • Lots of chatter and giggles
  • Just a 5 minute journey!
  • Arrive on site at Woodland Adventurers
  • Some formalities - the boundary and of course a compost toilet that needed more investigation!
  • A game of family tag in the woods
  • Say hello to the pigs and throw them some food
  • Feed the rare breed sheep from tiny hands
  • Feed and cuddle the chickens
  • Feed and cuddle the ducks
  • Yay! A fun game of bulldog!
  • Time to wash hands
  • All aboard the minibus
  • Lets sing some songs including "the wheels on the bus go round and round"
  • Arrive back - tired, but what a fun learning experience!
  • Thank you Corsham Primary School

Posted @ 02:14:12 on 25 April 2013  back to top
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Fabulous to start our Forest School PLUS for local home educated / home schooled children. 

From day one the group is proving to be so popular and there are very few spaces left.

For more information:
Home Education - Forest School PLUS
Woodland Adventurers is now running our Forest School PLUS for Home Education / Home Ed / Home School and Flexi-School educated children.  The Forest School PLUS group activities take place in our enchanted woodland for ages 5 to 12 years, both boys and girls every other Tuesday from 9.30am to 3.30pm.
The price is £25 for the first child and £15 for each sibling thereafter.  Spaces are limited to ensure the quality of the experiences for the children.  Booking in advance is essential.  Payment in half termly blocks.
If you would like to find out more contact Chris Harvey on 01225 819714 or email .
Spring Term
Focus on new life
Planting, nurturing and harvesting
  • Planting trees (e.g. fruit trees for harvesting fruit for eating, cooking and feeding to livestock)
  • Creating and planting raised vegetable beds to harvest crops for cooking
  • Livestock - Caring for them and a little "Spring cleaning" of houses
  • Caring for our new rabbits in their new home
  • Chicks and ducklings (hopefully!)
  • Natural predators (learning types of predators, behavior and prevention)
  • Nature plant life observations as new life develops
  • Outdoor cooking (bread, cakes and lunchtime meals)
Summer Term
Focus on using natural materials and traditional methods
From rare breed sheep to wool garment
  • Hand shearing sheep ("hands on" by the children!)
  • Washing wool (by the children)
  • Carding wool (by the children)
  • Spinning wool (by the children)
  • Using wool e.g. knitting and crochet (by the children using the friendly expert(s) from Jumble Jelly)
From tree & crop to basic wood craft & environmentally / ecologically friendly construction methods
  • Use of traditional tools (e.g. bow saws, bill hooks and braces)
  • Basic traditional building and construction - learn about foundations, compression forces vs tension forces, natural materials, design considerations through "hands on" activities by the children (e.g. using straw bales, hazel etc)
The above are specific subjects for the season and these are additional to our other activities such as hiking, team games, den building, camp fires etc shown in the table below.
Our approach to Home Education
There are many reasons for choosing a home education approach for your child and the most exciting reason is that you are in control and you can make all the decisions.
Some pursue the National Curriculum and others follow their own path.  Either way, taking control means you have more ability to provide your child with the foundations and skills they will need throughout their lives. 
Woodland Adventurers provides Forest School PLUS and Outdoor Learning through outdoor activities in woodland and the countryside including access to farm animals - currently pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks. 
The activities themselves are only a small part of the learning.  Through the Forest School PLUS and Outdoor Learning approach at Woodland Adventurers children will develop their social skills through mixing with other children of varying ages and adults. 
Woodland Adventurers makes every effort to provide a positive environment for the children where the word "yes" is used as much as possible, with lots of encouragement. We believe that this encourages the children to take responsibility for their decisions and builds self esteem, self confidence and self belief.  Kindness and inclusive behavior by all (to all) is of high importance in our values.
All children and adults are treated with respect and as equals.  Woodland Adventurers over time aims to encourage, nurture and enable children to become responsible, intelligent and creative people, with high levels of self-esteem, confidence and self-belief, who are kind to others and socialise well.
Activities are broad and real, giving children a relevant connection to all learning.  Topics that are covered are as wide as the time allows.  Our approach includes many outdoor activities and our imaginations (including those of the children) are the only limitations to what can be done.  We aim to be creative and open to ideas at all times and therefore the activity choices are developing all the time.  This is by no means an exhaustive list and current types of activities include the following:
Den / shelter building
  • Learn about structures using man-made materials
  • Learn about structures using natural materials
  • Learn about design in terms of weather proof, stability and access
  • Learn about forces, leverage, moments and safety aspects
Fire lighting (including camp fires)
  • Learn risks and safety aspects of using fire
  • Learn the benefits of fire
  • Learn about intake, combustion and exhaust
  • Learn different methods and the process of lighting fires
  • Learn to cook on a fire, stove and field oven
Team games
  • Learn to participate in fair competition
  • Learn about health and well being including cardio-vascular exercise
  • Learn about risks and safety
  • Learn how to design a team game
Farm animals
  • Learn about animal welfare (feeding and caring)
  • Learn about different types of animals and breeds
  • Learn about risks, animal temperaments, respect and safety
Use of traditional tools (e.g. bill hooks, braces, knives, saws)
  • Learn about risks and safety
  • Learn how to look after tools
  • Learn what can be made with traditional tools and their limitations
  • Learn about modern tools
Hiking and orienteering
  • Learn to use an ordnance survey map
  • Learn how to use a compass
  • Learn about the landscape and environment
  • Learn about nature
  • Learn about foraging
  • Learn about risks, safety, safety equipment and safety processes
Arts and crafts
  • Learn about materials (natural including where to find) as well as man-made)
  • Learn to use a potters wheel
  • Learn sculpture
  • Learn painting (materials, methods)
  • Learn drawing (materials e.g. make charcoal, methods)
  • Learn photography
  • Learn how to make a movie / film
  • Learn about nature, foraging and collecting for art
  • Learn to explore own ideas and make them happen
New activities
New activities planned for 2013 include:
  • Performing stage drama and singing
  • Building a cob oven (for cooking home-made pizzas!)
  • Building a kiln (for firing clay pots and sculptures)
  • Developing a larger cooking area (including a field oven and hob)
  • Tree planting (for sustainable resources)
  • Creating a stage (for drama and performances)
Children will learn through participating in our Forest School PLUS outdoor activities that will provide them with the learning opportunities as follows:
  • Activity-specific learning (topic dependent e.g. farm related, wood craft related, arts and crafts, navigation and orienteering, outdoor cooking, construction and engineering and physical education)
  • Social skills (understanding personal relationships, making friends, respecting themselves, respecting their peers and respecting authority / rules)
  • Building of self esteem, self confidence and self belief through positive affirmation whilst working with others including children and adults.
Many activities are child led or child initiated.  However, rather than chaos(!) there is time for structure and group tasks in particular require the engagement of all.  Inclusion is implemented in a positive manner at all times and children are respected as key members and everyone is considered equal, with a valid view point that must be respected.
The Home Ed group is activity based, using the freedom of the outdoors to explore, have fun and to socialise with other children.  Activities are a mix of fast activities and slower activities such as den building, hiking, camp fires, wood craft, team games, feeding farm animals and more.  In today's increasingly 'screen-based' world (computer games and TV) we aim to provide children with an opportunity for a counterbalance, providing children with 'real' fun that will create lifelong positive memories.
Posted @ 07:53:02 on 25 January 2013  back to top
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Woodland Adventurers' Forest School is grounded in getting children to experience real outdoor fun and learning.  It is different to many other Forest School providers.
Woodland Adventurers offers Forest School PLUS.  It is Forest School but with a BIG difference.  Visit our Forest School and children will get Forest School PLUS i.e. basic Forest School plus lots more such as the following: 
 Forest School
Outdoor activities as you would expect from any Forest School.  Woodland Adventurers will ensure that the activities provide real and exciting outdoor experiences for children to gain amazing learning opportunities.
 Farm Animals
Farm based learning opportunities through feeding and caring for farm animals such as pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks and rabbits.
 Enchanted Woodland

Woodland Adventurers provides 4 acres of enchanted beech woodland and paddock without public access and without public rights of way - just the perfect size for providing children with a real sense of freedom and for being able to see where they are without losing sight of them!
 Additional & extended activities
In addition to more conventional Forest School activities Woodland Adventurers puts significant emphasis on activities for health and well being, including physical activities such as running, team games and hiking as well as cooking, bushcraft and pottery in the outdoors.
 Note: Activities will be adapted to suit the group and weather conditions.
Posted @ 02:16:10 on 01 January 2013  back to top
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Fantastic news!  We now have planning permission granted for Quarry Hill Farm in Box, Wiltshire for a mixed use of agriculture, education and leisure.  Yippee!!!
It seems crazy in some respects that people need to gain planning permission for children to simply play and learn naturally in woodland and the countryside.  But then again, taking a pragmatic view - as activities evolve it does provide some control over the changes so that it remains in line with the needs and wants of local people and the local area for now and future generations.  This is in line with Woodland Adventurers' philosophy of being a positive contribution to the local community.
We received an overwhelming flood of local people supporting the change - from people that have used Woodland Adventurers for education and leisure, as well as many local people who simply enjoy the sound of kids being outdoors and having natural fun.  We are so grateful for all the support and cannot thank everyone enough.
If others are in need of achieving a change of use for their land through the planning process for Forest School and similar educational and leisure activities for kids, aimed at supporting their well being and educational needs, then do feel free to get in touch if you would like some advice, guidance or simply some moral support.
Happy news for Woodland Adventurers and for the many, many children, families, schools and groups that enjoy the outdoor fun and outdoor learning.

Posted @ 18:09:20 on 06 November 2012  back to top
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In a quiet season a British holiday maker was sitting in the harbour of a quaint Spanish coastal village when a fishing boat came in and docked.  Inside the boat was a small catch of fish.  Showing interest, the holiday maker admired the fish and asked the fisherman how long it took for him to catch them.
The fisherman replied, "Only a little while, senor".  The holiday maker asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish.  The fisherman said that he had caught enough fish to provide for all his family's immediate needs.
The holiday maker then asked, "So what do you do with the rest of your time?"
The fisherman said, "I play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Rosana, stroll into the village each evening, where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos.  I have a full and busy life senor."
The holiday maker smiled, "I have an MBA from a top Business School - that's a degree in business administration, and lots of corporate business experience - I could help you.  You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat, with the proceeds from the bigger boat you would buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of boats.  Then instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell to the processor, eventually opening your own factory canning the fish.  You would control the product, processing and distribution channels.  You would, of course, need to leave this coastal fishing village and move to the city of Madrid, then have offices in a number of international cities, where you would run your expanding empire."
The fisherman asked,"But senor, how long would all this take?"
The holiday maker replied, "Fifteen to twenty years."
"But, what then, senor?"
The holiday maker laughed, "That's the best part.  When the time is right you sell the business on the open market and become very rich.  You would make millions."
"Millions, senor?  But then what?"
"Then you would retire, move to a small coastal village, where you could sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, Rosana, and stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play guitar with your amigos."

Posted @ 17:57:54 on 08 December 2011  back to top
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Hunter Gatherer or Modern Society?

In the outdoors, with children playing, isn’t it great to see them using their imagination and deciding their own activities.  Finding resources, materials, even mud to play with – it’s fantastic!  As adults, we are often here to just provide the resources and to enable it to happen in a safe way.

I sometimes wonder though. 

What is the trigger and influence for many activities? 

Boys often want to make weapons…to use weapons and to chase each other…aka “man hunt”. 

They like playing with knives - potatoes peelers are just not enough for them - it must progress quickly to knives whilst whittling sticks. 

They also love making fires, stoking fires and playing with fires.

What is this?  I wonder…weapons, knives, fire…

Is it modern life?  Are they watching too much TV?  Gangster movies?  Too many action PC games???  To much reality TV (…including the real news)?


It has to be a natural instinct. 

A human instinct. 

Hunter, gatherer. 

These are basic survival skills.  Why wouldn’t any child want to learn instinctive, natural survival skills? 

Why would any adult prevent them from learning such instinctive skills?

Surely such skills are better to learn properly rather than from in front of an LCD / LED screen?

Woodland Adventurers seeks to enable children to play freely.  We aim to provide the opportunities for children to explore and learn new skills. 

In all weathers. 

Provided they are happy, comfortable and safe. 

We want to enable children to learn MASSIVELY.  We want them to learn practical skills, but more importantly social skills, building their self esteem and self confidence and we want them to have fun. 

The most amazing fun! 

So whilst they are having this amazing fun, they don’t even realise that they are learning. 

At Woodland Adventurers we fundamentally believe that learning is fun, in fact it MUST be fun…and as a result…with time…FUN IS…LEARNING! 

For us these words have the same meaning!

If a child believes that learning is fun…just think…they could achieve anything!

Posted @ 00:53:57 on 02 December 2011  back to top
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